Call for proposals

We invite proposals to lead one of next year’s Pre-Conference Workshops preceding the 2025 EALTA conference at the Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg, Austria. The workshops are scheduled to run Monday May 26 and Tuesday May 27, 2025 (i.e. two full conference days). Wednesday May 28 will be dedicated to SIG meetings. The conference itself starts with the opening reception on Wednesday evening and runs until Saturday May 31, 2025 (noon).

We invite workshop leaders to submit proposals for either 1-day or 2-day workshops on the following topics, based on feedback from EALTA members:

  • Data analysis (quantitative or qualitative, including use of analysis software and tools)
  • Use of AI technology in language assessment
  • Practical applications, e.g. data visualisation

We also invite proposals for workshops on other assessment-related topics.

In your proposal, please briefly outline the following aspects:

  • the topic of the workshop;
  • the intended learning outcomes;
  • the contents that your workshop will cover;
  • the methods you will engage the participants in;
  • any specific background or prior knowledge you expect the participants to have;
  • pre-workshop activities, such as preparatory reading (please state sources);
  • the maximum number of participants you would be willing to accept
    (usually up to 30);
  • your suitability to run such a workshop (supported by a very brief CV).

We will reimburse travel costs and accommodation during the workshop period within reason (the exact amount to be confirmed after the acceptance of the proposal), and provide a per diem at the standard European rate for a maximum of two workshop leaders. You will also be invited to the conference dinner.

Please email your proposal to no later than October 31, 2024.

We look forward to receiving your proposals.